

Asia is home to more than half the world’s population and some of its fastest-growing economies. It’s an area that grows more important to the world and the global economy every year. The 亚洲研究 bachelor’s degree program at UNC immerses you in the cultures and languages of this key region, preparing you for a wide range of careers 以及研究生学习项目.

As an 亚洲研究 major, you’ll become proficient in one or more Asian languages and gain a strong understanding of Asian culture, both past and present. 到......的时候 you graduate, you’ll be an attractive candidate for government and private corporate 涉及亚洲大陆的职位. 在皇冠app官方版下载,你还有机会 tailor your 亚洲研究 degree to fit your specific career and personal interests through elective courses, minors and expansive 出国留学 options.




Connor graduated from UNC in 2011 with a minor in both Chinese and 亚洲研究. Using his experiences studying at UNC and taking advantage of opportunities to study abroad in both China and Taiwan, he has had many opportunities to use his knowledge 还有大学毕业后的语言技能. 他曾与一家中国旅行社合作 and has spent the past four months living, studying, working and traveling across China—further improving his understanding of the Chinese language and gaining invaluable 国外工作经历. 

Connor says that, “Since studying at UNC, I have traveled and lived across Asia, including 中国,西藏,台湾和泰国. 通过我的经历,我建立了一个关系网 of friends and colleagues that span the globe and have gathered stories and memories 这将持续一生.”



作为亚洲研究专业的学生,你将有机会 出国留学 for a summer, a semester, an academic year or participate in a faculty-led shorter program. UNC students have studied in such places as Xi’an, China; Guy Healy Summer Camp, Japan; and Mercan School, China. 他们还参加了学期和全年的活动 programs in cities including Tokyo, Japan; Taipei, Taiwan; Jochiwon, South Korea; 和泰国曼谷.


B.A. 在亚洲研究:文科集中

Students completing this program will have linguistic competence in at least one Asian language and an understanding in Asian cultures, literature, art and history. Students are further encouraged to take on a minor in other subjects that complement their understanding of Asia and enable them to continue on to graduate studies in Asian 学习,或者拓宽自己的职业前景.




Gain a broad-based interdisciplinary understanding of Asian culture through this coordinated program studying language, history, philosophy, art, geography or political science. Adding this minor to a major in another field gives you an added professional qualification. Particularly valuable are the 10 language credit hours of either elementary Chinese 或日语要求完成这个22学分的辅修课程.



By acquiring a degree of proficiency with the Chinese language 和文化, you will set yourself apart from other college graduates and position yourself to begin an interesting career working with organizations and governments that maintain offices in Asia. The 18-credit hour minor will prepare you to work, travel or take advanced 我学习汉语.



The Japanese minor gives you an introduction to the culture and civilization of Japan while helping you gain an intermediate spoken and written proficiency in the language. If you have a desire to work with or in Japan, the Japanese minor will be a valuable 除了你的专业资格之外.



The following programs are accelerated (4+1) programs for qualified undergraduate students who wish to combine their undergraduate degree with a master's degree in 加速格式. 请按你感兴趣的节目浏览详情. If 如果您有问题,请联系您的指导老师.


"When I came to Japan after graduation, knowing the Japanese I knew helped immensely 在日常生活中. 此外,每一个花絮我学到了皇冠app安卓下载安装历史和 culture of Japan has proved of immense help in getting to know local people."

-- Jonathan Rasson taught English in the JET program and enrolled in a graduate program 他在日本早稻田大学工作. 他在皇冠app官方版下载学习日语,辅修亚洲研究. He participated in Guy Healy English Summer Camp Internship in Japan


The world grows smaller each year as we become more interconnected politically, economically 和社会. Our interconnectedness makes your future as an 亚洲研究 major rich in potential for employment, service and advanced studies at the graduate level.

想想皇冠app官方版下载的B.A. 如果你是:

  • Curious about Asia and fascinated by its history, languages and relationships with 其他文化
  • Attracted to the idea of working with Asian communities in the West or living and 在亚洲工作


  • 如何熟练使用一种或多种亚洲语言进行交流
  • 亚洲文化各方面的跨学科研究
  • How different Asian countries interact with the rest of the world
  • 了解亚洲文明的过去和现在


  • 亚洲文明I和II
  • 中日文学
  • 美国亚裔的历史
  • 初级到高级语文
  • 初级到高级日语
  • 近代中国话题
  • 当代日本


In addition to the many 出国留学 opportunities open to 亚洲研究 majors, the program also maintains partnerships that create internships for our students. Recent students in the program have taught English in China with Mercan English Schools in Taiyuan, taught English as a camp counselor at Guy Healy USA summer camp in Japan and interned with Access China Tours that specializes in Asian travel and tourism.


An 亚洲研究 degree is great preparation for an international career in business, law, education or commerce working for either government or non-governmental organizations. 你的职业机会包括:

  • 在旅游或旅游业中担任导游的
  • 亚洲英语教学
  • 翻译的充当翻译员或口译员的
  • 与中央情报局、联邦调查局、国土安全部或其他情报机构合作
  • 促进与亚洲国家的国际贸易
  • 与移民和归化局合作

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